October Writing Prompt:

Inner Monologue

Stacy Walsh
1 min readSep 30, 2019
Photo by Matthieu Joannon on Unsplash

This month’s prompt comes courtesy of Angela Santillo, my guest on this month’s podcast episode, “Embracing the Unexpected.

After Angela and I finished recording our interview, we continued to talk for some time — and of course, I wish I had continued recording because, well, surprise, surprise, we covered some unexpected terrain.

We had a lengthy discussion about haboobs. What’s a haboob? It’s a violent dust or sandstorm. And of course, Angela could talk about these at length and recommend several videos to watch. I, mostly, have just liked having an excuse to say the word haboob repeatedly.

All this to say that yes, haboobs sparked the idea for this month’s prompt, below.

Writing Prompt:

Watch “Haboob dust storm attacks Arizona wedding.”

Pick one of the three people in the video and watch it till the end.

Write the inner monologue of the person you tracked, starting at their last moment on screen.

Submit your finished piece to & then write on Medium.com for possible publication.



Stacy Walsh

Designer of words. Storyteller at heart. Host of the & then write podcast: andthenwrite.com